Hiking Shoes Necessary For Mountain Hiking
Hiking shoes It is mainly composed of three parts, Upper, Midsole, and sole / Outsole. Upper is made up of vamp and lining. The upper is usually made of leather, nylon, or leather nylon. The lining is usually made of artificial materials or soft leather. Some shoes are also cushioned with cushions to improve warmth and comfort. A pair of good shoes is usually made of a whole piece of leather (except for the heel and the tongue of the shoe). Such shoes can still maintain a good shape after a period of time. Hiking shoes have boundless boundaries. Modern society provides people with different ways of travel. The most environmentally friendly, most meaningful and interesting way is hiking. In China, it is not a very common sport, but as a sport, hiking has its unique characteristics.
Although artificial materials are getting better and better, Shoe upper It's the best of FullGrainLeather. Leather is not easily deformed, and its waterproof, breathable and thermal insulation is better than any artificial material. A pair of good shoes is usually made of a whole piece of leather (except for the heel and the tongue of the shoe). Such shoes can still maintain a good shape after a period of time. The insole plays a role of cushioning and comfort. It is usually made of synthetic materials and has a special ergonomic design. The sole is mainly anti-skid, and also requires a certain durability. In addition to the texture design, the use of materials is also very important. The most common is the use of Vibram professional rubber soles.
At the same time as China footwear industry Ms. Yang Er, the famous design expert of the company's chief designer and Honorary Advisor of the China Footwear Association, pointed out that most modern sports shoes are designed with air cushion, but this is not appropriate for hiking shoes. It is enough to reduce the vibration of feet by using a special sponge foam structure, because for outdoor sports, the sense of down-to-earth is more important and safer than that of air cushions. Relatively speaking, the rigidity and wear resistance of the sole are more important. People who climb the mountain know that when climbing a mountain or taking a long road, if the soles are too soft, they often cause fatigue. Moreover, the rigidity and hardness of the sole can play a key role in protecting the gravel road or uneven rock.
In outdoor sports, a good pair. shoes It helps to walk without obstruction. When you are carrying a backpack on a large backpack, your feet will be much more stressed than usual. If you need to climb or jump, your ankle will be impacted from different directions. Under these circumstances, to ensure that both feet are not injured, we can make progress towards our destination. Before choosing hiking shoes, it is necessary to make clear whether the purpose is to hike, climb mountains or engage in other outdoor sports. Different types of activities have corresponding mountaineering hiking shoes, not the most expensive ones. For example, wearing heavy mountaineering shoes for outing is unnecessary, and it also adds unnecessary burden to actions. In addition, the water repellency of shoes is often an important factor restricting prices, but not all activities require waterproof shoes.
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